NRBC Virtual Event videoconferencing in COVID-19 times

On 25 November 2020, the first NRBC virtual evening was held in collaboration with Ambassador Joost Flamand and Consul General Johan Verboom. Thanks to the Zoom technique about 45 participants from all over Italy and the Netherlands could join in. In fact, the Italian regions Lazio, Tuscany, Lombardy, Piemonte, Umbria and Sardinia were represented in addition to the city of Amsterdam and the province of Brabant in The Netherlands.

IT expert Marco Cipriani gave us a presentation about several communication matters/means or instruments such as Zoom, Teams, Google meet, Whereby, Slack and Cisco WebEx, explaining the differences and advising which alternative to choose for a particular meeting.

After the participants had had the chance to ask the speaker several questions, they were transferred to break-out rooms to bring a toast with orange drinks while chatting with a small group. The conversations were animated as many participants from different parts of Italy and The Netherlands could meet for the first time.

President Angela Mannaerts confirmed what had been announced during the new year’s cocktail at the Consulate General in Milan at the beginning of 2020, namely that the club will soon be extended from Lazio and Tuscany towards the Central-North of Italy.

The NRBC will plan more virtual meetings to provide information and support to its members. The Board has decided that no membership fee is due for 2020 and the fees already paid by certain will be attributed to 2021.

We thank Ambassador Joost Flamand and Consul General Johan Verboom plus their staff for all the support and assistance.