Virtual Evening with Author Rosita Steenbeek and… Pecha Kucha!

It is with great pleasure that we announce our first 2022 on-line event, to be held on 7 March 2022 at 18.45 hours.

Rosita Steenbeek’s new book: “Life in Rome” will soon be published. We are honored that Rosita, a well-known Dutch writer, who lives and works in Rome, has accepted to address the DIBA members and the staff of the Dutch Embassy in Rome.

In a short interview conducted by the Board, Rosita will tell us about her life and work as a writer in Rome and in Italy in general, her views on the contemporary period that we are living in, and her current and future projects.

The second half of the evening will be dedicated to … Pecha Kucha!

Open, spontaneous, fun, informal, silo-breaking – words used to describe how Pecha Kucha, brings people together around the world to laugh, learn and connect.

Pecha Kucha means “chit chat” in Japanese. This creative outlet was started in 2003 by two renowned architects in Tokyo as nighttime get-togethers. Since then, three million people have attended Pecha Kucha events worldwide.

A maximum of four members (who are not board members) will have the possibility to introduce themselves and their businesses to the other DIBA Members and their guests, using a 20×20 presentation format. The presentation will be based on 20 chosen images, each shown for 20 seconds. In other words, we will give the relevant DIBA member 400 seconds to tell his/her story, with visuals guiding the way. The curtain will close upon the 400th second!

The members will be contacted by DIBA based on order of registration as a member. The registration is considered completed when the membership fee has been fulfilled. The Pecha Kucha presentation is, of course, not an obligation but a free choice (thus do not hesitate to register also if you prefer to only watch the presentations!).

This event is for Members only. Each member may introduce one guest.

We expect the interview and Pecha Kucha presentations to last in total about one hour. At around 19.45 hours, the guests will be divided into virtual cocktail rooms for an additional 30 minutes.

Please register on or before 4 March, sending an e-mail to: thereby indicating the e-mail address you (and your eventual guest) will use to log-in to the online event and whether or not you (and your guest) wish to participate in the virtual cocktail meetings.

We cannot wait to see you all again!

The event is finished.


Mar 07 2022


18:45 - 20:15
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